New Treatment for Blood Clot Formation in the Brain !

A new drug may reduce the risk of patients suffering a hemorrhagic stroke, according to a research study. The medication called “dabigatran etexilate” was given to a group of test subjects who were undergoing surgery.

Dabigatran etexilate is an anticoagulant (anti-clotting agent) that is used for preventing and treating heart attacks, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, artificial valve replacement, atrial fibrillation and cerebral infarction (a type of stroke).

The researchers found dabigatran to be effective in reducing the formation of blood clots after surgical procedures, as well as the rate of death or disability due to bleeding complications.

Introduction: A New Treatment for Blood Clot Formation in the Brain Has Been Developed.

A recent breakthrough in medical science has led to a new way of treating patients who suffer from a type of stroke known as cerebral thrombosis. This is the first time that scientists have come up with a completely safe and effective method of preventing these strokes from occurring in the future. The research team was able to create an artificial version of the protein fibrinogen.

This substance forms part of the body's natural defense system against bleeding. However, when this protein clots together, it can block the flow of oxygen through the arteries. When this happens, a patient suffers from a lack of oxygen in their brain cells. If the problem isn't treated quickly enough, then the person will die within minutes.

In order to prevent such deaths, a group of researchers at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center decided that they would try to develop an alternative to the normal process of forming the blood clot. To do this, they began by creating an artificial version of the protein fibrinogen.

What Is the Treatment?

A blood clot can be caused by a number of factors. Some of these include: pregnancy, obesity, smoking, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, age, cancer, heart disease, trauma, etc. If you have been diagnosed with a blood clot, then you should talk to your doctor immediately. This article will explain more details regarding the condition.

When you have a blood clot, it forms in one part of the body and travels to another area. When this happens, it can cause serious problems. For example, it may lead to death. Fortunately, there are many different treatments available for people who are suffering from a blood clot. The most important thing to know is that the type of treatment depends on several things.

First, you need to determine whether or not the blood clot is in the brain or the lungs. You can do this by taking an MRI scan or CT scan.

If the blood clot is found to be in the lungs, then you'll likely receive some form of medication.

The New Treatment Is a Procedure Called Embolization.

When you have a blood clot, you may be worried that you won't be able to get rid of it. Fortunately, there's a new type of treatment that could help. Embolization involves inserting tiny pieces of material into the clots. This should cause the clots to break apart, so you can pass them through your body naturally.

Embolization isn’t always effective, but it can work well when you’re suffering from a large, life-threatening blood clot. If you're interested in learning more about this new method of treating blood clots, then you may want to read the article below.

The first thing that you need to know is that embolization is usually used to treat a condition known as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. This is a dangerous form of stroke that can occur when you’re pregnant. It happens because the veins in your brain become blocked with blood. When this occurs, you'll start to suffer from headaches and other symptoms.

How Is the Treatment Performed?

A blood clot is a solid mass of clotted red blood cells that forms inside a vein. This type of clot can be formed when you have a bruise, cut, or injury. If you get this kind of blood clot, then you need to seek medical attention right away. You should also make sure that you don't try to treat the problem yourself 


If you do decide to visit your doctor, he will use an ultrasound machine to look at the area where the clot was found. Then, the doctor will inject medication into the affected part of the body. The goal here is to dissolve the clot and prevent it from getting bigger.

There are some risks associated with having a blood clot, but these can usually be avoided by taking care of your health.

It's important to remember that there is no cure for a blood clot. However, you can manage the symptoms so that they won't bother you as much.

How Successful Is the Treatment?

A blood clot is a medical condition that occurs when a small piece of tissue (a thrombus) forms inside a vein. This can cause serious health problems. Fortunately, there are ways to treat this problem. In fact, most people who suffer from blood clots will be able to get rid of them without any long-term effects.

If you have experienced a blood clot, then you should know that it’s important to take steps to prevent another one. You can do this by following these tips.

You need to avoid taking aspirin. Aspirin is a medication that can help to dissolve the thrombus. However, it is very dangerous to use it in the first place. If you are prone to developing blood clots, then you should talk to your doctor before using aspirin.

It's also a good idea to make sure that you don't smoke cigarettes. Cigarette smoking is known to increase the risk of blood clots forming. So, if you want to reduce the chance of getting one, then you should quit smoking as soon as possible.


A blood clot is an accumulation of red cells in one of your veins. If you have a blood clot, you may notice a lump on the inside of your leg. This can be painful, but it usually goes away after a few days.

If you need to get rid of a blood clot, then there are two ways that you can do this. The first option involves taking medication, such as aspirin or heparin. You should take these pills until the clot disappears.

Another way to treat a blood clot is by using heat therapy. Heat therapy can help to break up the clots and make them disappear. However, you shouldn't use a heating pad for more than 10 minutes at a time.

You may also want to avoid certain foods while you're trying to remove a blood clot. Some of these include fish, chicken, eggs, and shellfish.

When it comes to treating a blood clot, the best thing that you can do is to talk with your doctor about what options you have available.


Blood Clot Formation in the Brain Has Been Developed


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